SEMO demonstrates again its ability to deliver customer-specific feeders

SEMO and its specific feeders

SEMO delivers new odd-shape feeders

We all know the famous SEMO feeders for components packaged in tubes.

SEMO just delivered such a feeder for transistors TO2XX. However, to meet the very specific needs of its customer, SEMO included in the same compact feeder the cutting to length, the forming and the 90° bending of transistor pins.

The benefits for the customer :

1. Productivity : no need for special-purpose machine to precut, preform, prebend the components, no material handling from machine to machine, etc.

2. Traceability : all components managed by the pick-and-place machine

3. All the advantages of SEMO feeders : robust design, very narrow equipment and full communication   with pick-and-place machine

composant nv

This action is realized with the financial support of "La Région Occitanie".

rg occitanie